Friday, October 29, 2010

Do I contradict myself? Feh!

All right. That's not exactly Walt Whitman. But whenever I go back and look up something in Nostrum, it seems as if the last time we wrote about it, we called it something else. Take New Haven, for instance. For the longest time, we called it New Haven. Then all of a sudden we started calling it Pup City. I blame the Nostrumite for this lack of consistency, since he's in charge of remembering where we've been, but lately he's been useless. The lad is in a state of permanent depression over imminent arrival of an operating system upgrade for his iPad, which he treasures more than his wife, his children or his left lung. "If it's like every other Apple upgrade," he moans, "it won't work for a week, it will erase all my data, and I'll lose my high score on Angry Birds."

How he survives in the world I do not know. Anyhow, speaking of people who hardly seem to survive in the world, Menick, operating at his own rate of non-speed, has finally recorded and posted N2_28 in both live performance and dead electron versions. Have at them.

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