Friday, January 21, 2011

Something of a stand-alone

Every now and then an episode seems to exist entirely for itself. While there's a little bit of Nostrumian ambience in Episode 34, it is the sort of episode you could walk up to someone on the street and give it to them and if they know nothing about Nostrum or debate, they would understand it. They might also have you arrested, but that's another thing altogether. You can listen to it or read it in all the old familiar places.

We almost didn't make it this week. The Nostrumite is totally hung up on Abbot and Costello. You know: Who's on First? "Who's the president of China?" he'll ask. I'll say, "I don't know, who's the president of China?" and he'll say, "No, I Don't Know is the president of North Korea; Hu's the president of China." "That's what I just said. Who's the president of China?" "Hu." "That's what I'm asking you. Who?" "Hu."

You get the picture. These are tough times for people in the Nostrumite's sphere, let me tell you.

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