Thursday, May 6, 2010

Apparently the natives are getting restless

I, for one, do not understand it. Whole bunches of Menick's kids (translated into purer math, that would be 2) have complained that the debate world is not infested with vampires. Which debate world are they living in? Vampires, werewolves, zombies, Unitarians—you can't swing a cat without hitting one or the other of them. Needless to say, this has put the Nostrumite into a state of permanent depression over the lack of the ability of the youth of America to appreciate metaphor. "If something as simple as this trips them up," he moans, "what happens if we use syllogism or litotes or, even worse, double negatives?" The Mite, of course, is also prone to double positives, but that's another story altogether.

Speaking of stories, Menick jumped the gun last night and put out another episode. He's getting pretty close to clearing out the warehouse if you ask us, but we won't stop him, at least not yet. If you've got your glasses, you can read it, and if you've got your ear trumpet, you can listen. It's entirely up to you. Same price, either way.

See you in the funny papers.

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